Upcoming Events, workshops and trainings
One to one; Level 1, Level 2 & 3
Master Training – Mastering Mind and Emotions is an elite program for advanced seekers and students. This program is a personal training program with me, for the sole purpose of finding your inner compass in order to navigate this reality/realm/matrix. It consist in 18 hours (within a month of training) of decoding personal programing and basic guidance in the realm of mind and emotions – Reclaim your heart
I will give you a metaphor. Is like Navy Seals training program. Really, is not for the beginners. I have the intention to bring the seekers to the next level of consciousness.
Each month 2 places are available upon request
PAST Events
we learn and remember
Workshops and trainings
Mastering the Mind and Emotions – 2022
Master Training – Mastering Mind and Emotions is an elite program for advanced seekers and students. This program is a personal training program with me, for the sole purpose of finding your inner compass in order to navigate this reality/realm/matrix. It consist in 18 hours (within a month of training) of decoding personal programing and basic guidance in the realm of mind and emotions. I will give you a metaphor. Is like Navy Seals training program. Really, is not for the beginners. I have the intention to bring the seekers to the next level of consciousness.
Limited places. Please read the article carefully.
Theory vs Practice
Lucia G.
05 Feb 2022
Total mind reset! An experience that I can not describe, you just have to live it. And the most important thing for me: Do not believe anything, verify everything first! I am not the same person anymore.
Codrin M.
05 Feb 2022
Unique emotion. Knowledge delivered and an incredible acces to information. Thank you.
Adrian S.
05 Feb 2022
I understood that to materialize intentions can be much easier than a hard work in the material 3 Dimensional realm.
05 Feb 2022
Theory vs Practice
05 Feb 2022
At the end of this training, I realized that I started to believe in myself and I can not allow anyone to burden me with things that do not belong to me.
05 Feb 2022
There is so much tranquility in a “zero sum game” and energy for my projects. One needs discipline and to stop lying to oneself – 2 lessons so important to me. Also about not to stand out in the crowd – still more to learn and experience here, especially about emotions. Nevertheless, because of this training I understood why.
Dan C.
05 Feb 2022
I found a new perspective, side by side with wonderful and amazing people.
Teo B.
05 Feb 2022
I leave this place smiling, knowing that I will not go back to be the same I was. A new “life” is beginning for me, one in which I owe the key of detachment, the one key I always lacked. I breath easily when I look inside me. I feel that I have re-assembled myself and I am complete. Thank you for everything Bralgei, and I thank all the group for the things received, for the things lived, felt, seen and integrated. I always knew I am preparing myself for something “greater”, and the live lived so far was just a training, because, finally I comprehend why. So I am starting this “journey”, side by side with 15 other souls that vibrate in the same frequency.
Daniela Ionescu
05 Feb 2022
Thank you all for what I felt and lived with you here. I love u all.
Cursul se deruleaza online, in format webinar, in timp real folosind platforma Zoom, urmand urmatorii pasi:
- Va inscrieti la curs printr-un e-mail la office@gabrielpesa.com;
- Vi se confirma inscrierea si veti primi pe mail link de acces in aplicatia zoom.
- Intrati in link-ul respectiv si va inscrieti cu numele si adresa de e-mail. Este de preferat sa va descarcati aplicatia pe calculator / laptop.
- In ziua si la data inceperii intrati in direct in link-ul respectiv.
Mentiuni tehnice:
- Pentru participare veti avea nevoie de un laptop/calculator care sa aiba o camera video si un microfon functionale.
- Puteti accesa platforma ZOOM si de pe telefon cu conditia sa descarcati si sa instalati aplicatia (pentru IOS din Apple Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/zoom-cloud-meetings/id546505307 sau pentru Android din Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=us.zoom.videomeetings&hl=en
- Daca intrati pe ZOOM inainte de ora de incepere, recomandam sa testati functionalitatile audio-video.
- Daca ati accesat platforma de pe telefon si nu aveti acces audio de pe telefon, selectati Call via Device Audio, de la Join Audio,in partea stanga-jos a ecranului.
- Pentru suport, va rugam sa ne scrieti pe adresa de e-mail: office@gabrielpesa.com ori sunati la numerele de telefon: 0726678526