The tools and the light parable
The “comorbidities” of betrayal
How do you recognize the betrayal and the consequences involved?
Introducing the first betrayal – we are abandoned
What does this program of betrayal do?
I have never thought I will get this paradox decoded. It was so difficult to see it at the energy level although I knew it is a simple coding. The simple things are always the most powerful. You cannot decode that from a psychological/religious/spiritual level. You need to see the energy of this Mofo program. What can you find here, in this article? A powerful key.
Decoding Betrayal is a key to real freedom, which puts you back in the driver seat of evolution. It gives you back the understanding that in fact we are unique individuals (not different) and we move with different speed in our evolutionary paths. It is about energy. SPEED, PERCEPTION, CHOICES.
Betrayal is an INCEPTION[1]. A simple and very powerful inception. I bow myself to the genius of the Paradox[2] Mind Program for this one, since it is intricately intertwined with all the major human traumas. Repression, Denial, Shame, Rejection, Guilt, Separation. Each and every one of them is encoded in this one, layer upon layer and branching from the root. The most interesting fact I have discovered is that even if the mind cannot cope with paradox realities, this is an example that keeps us in a continuous loop within the program. Brilliant.
Decoding this fundamental trauma was one of my biggest liberating feelings that I have experienced. It was a real catharsis[3] combined with a huge rage because I was so stupid for so many years. Fortunately, I realized that this program is not an ordinary program. It is a double trap for each and every one of us within the program and multiple levels of deception. So be patient. Is not easy to get it the first time.
Necessary info
First and fore most you need to understand that contrary to one’s belief, the SOUL has NO traumas. John Pierrakos[4] calls them “souls wounds” but I rather call them programs[5]. At this level there is only perception and learning. Only the Mind is conflicted or traumatized, once the Observer (The Conscious Mind along with the subconscious one / Organic Nucleus of Consciousness / Organic A.I., etc.) loses the link with the SOUL.
The other possibility of corrupting the Original Mind is to trap it into this reality called MATRIX[6], or whatever you like to call it.
This is a tough one since we, as a society, and each and every one of us, as an individual (EGO), uplifted the trauma and suffering to the level of virtue. It is not a virtue. Sooner or later you will all get enough drama and suffering in your life and you will endeavor your path towards seeking solutions out of karma.
In order to understand the reality of Betrayal, firstly, I will give you some parables and metaphors that will help you understand what I am doing here with this Decode Project.
“The tools and the light parable”
Personal or spiritual development made us very fervent about the “tools” we need to get ourselves out of the “Plato’s cave[7]” or to free ourselves. Yes, we need the tools, but what about the light?
My point is simple. We need the “tools”, but, without “the light”, you will still be engorged by the darkness or the illusions around you. It is confusing, yes, I know. This key that you will get from decoding the trauma of betrayal is the light I am taking about.
“The smelling house parable”
This is a joke actually, but it applies perfectly to the situation at hand.
“The dog was left in a house and of course it needed to shit. So, the dog did its best and found a secret place to shit. After a couples of days, the house started to smell bad. So, they looked for the shit, but they could not find it.
The wife, in an excess of zeal, cleaned up the house and sprayed fir tree essential oil all over the house, since she could not find the origin of the smell.
Happy and proud, she asked her husband upon his arrival at home:
- Well, how does the house smell now?
The husband replied:
- Like a shit in the middle of the forest.” – Source unknown
So, the moral is: I needed to find the shit. As usual, the shit is inside, or, most probably, on the soles of the shoes. And oh… yeah, I found a big dodo.
What is Betrayal?
One definition for betrayal could be this one[8]:
“Betrayal is breaking or violating (real or interpreted as real by the emotional/mental body) of an agreed or presumptive trust or loyalty, contract or confidence that produce suffering and conflict on an emotional or mental level within a relationship amongst individuals, between organizations or between individuals and organizations. Someone who betrays others is commonly called a traitor or betrayer.
Ok, but what if you betray yourself? Where do we put this one? Do we call ourselves somehow? What a predicament!
The truth is that betrayal is not a simple trauma. It is a very complex one, and this is because there are many factors and layers involved in a relationship, which represent the base or the foundation of the betrayal.
In order to betray someone/something (a creed or a belief) you need 2 parties or many. Usually, one part is the traitor and the other is the betrayed one. But here I have my doubts.
Let’s dig into the subject.
First of all, we need to bring clarity on the difference between trust and loyalty. They are not the same thing.
Loyalty is something we negotiate, trust is not.
Trust is a choice that we place based on what we feel. When do we focus on trust? It is important to settle the moral background we placed ourselves into and see how these processes have been born. This is vital to decoding this moral trauma. Once we realize the origin of the thought process, we can get out.
Examining this is not pleasant, it is very challenging morally. All belief systems will be put under scrutiny.
“Trust, loyalty, and their violation touch some very profound and powerful feelings we all have about the moral nature of our cultures, what is right and what not, and how violators should be treated. That is, the nature of the societal reaction to deviants becomes an issue, too. Moreover, the results of examining violations of trust and loyalty can be surprising and are not always morally pleasant.
The materialization of a double violation is the analytical heart of betrayal. It also involves significant, but different levels of threat potential. Violations of loyalty and trust can appear in such using deceptive techniques such as lying. Thus, discussing violations of trust usually involves examining truth and its subversion. Hence, in some profound sense, discussions about trust and its violations assume that there are some parameters of reality that we all accept as true, as genuine, as authentic.
Constructions of reality are woven on this shared and accepted foundational framework. Trust involves a particular type of relationship, where the participants perceive that a genuine, authentic, and truthful interaction exists. Violating that trust and subverting that truth typically involves lying, cheating, concealment, and deception. Loyalty first and foremost, involves fidelity. Violating these moral codes invokes strong emotional responses because feelings of trust and loyalty are typically constructed as deep and profound”[9] – Betrayals And Treason: Violations Of Trust And Loyalty – by Nachman Ben-Yehuda
As usual, I will not insist on the definitions and mental imbrications written in a language that almost nobody can understand. You can do that for yourself following the web and links provided by search engines. Instead, I will focus on the practical application of understanding the origin of the betrayal and how we can get out of that messy emotional entrapment. Let’s see: how does it feel?
How does it feel?
Anger/rage/fury is the most common feeling in response to betrayal. Confusion and the demand for retribution or atonement is immediately required. Once the Pandora’s box is open, various scenarios can take place. In fact, the act of betrayal can unleash Hell. And even when remorse is displayed, the victim turns and become aggressor as the anger is unleashed upon the traitor.
Many times in history the traitors are punished brutally, without the chance of redemption, since the “victim” finally has the justification to unleash the bottled fury. It is a double edge sword, a very dangerous program. Very dangerous.
“Do not forget that, in the end, we are all humans and sometimes we need to be reminded of our humanity through trials and tribulation. We all make mistakes, but we are not wrong.”
When you are betrayed, you feel a hole inside. It sucks. We forget immediately that this is a polarized program. It’s me, me, me. Well, it’s not only me.
In reality, this program has 2 sides. The part betrayed and the one that betrays. As usual, the reasons or justifications are considered to be the most important issues at hand and the corner stones on which all this drama is based on. But are they?
If we consider the trust that we place into someone, you need to understand from the beginning that it was a choice. In fact, this is the main problem here. We do not understand that, in the beginning, as in the end, everything is a choice. Just a simple choice.
For example:
Each of us needs to learn that once you open your mouth and release something into the world, that can be used in various means. Even when you say to your friend that the information is VAULT/Confidential place – (See Braving the wilderness – Brene Brown[1]), you know that the “cat is out of the bag”. You might expect that the secret will be respected, but you know that treason of trust and vault is possible too. Let’s not lie to ourselves anymore. If you want it to remain a secret, keep your mouth shut.
You do not tell a gossiper your stories, unless you purposely want them distributed. You cannot be that naïve or stupid. Come on, guys. Show a little respect. We need to assume the consequences here.
As I said, it will be very simple to understand the coding of betrayal, but also very hard. In fact, you take that choice based on what you feel (Trust) or based on the data and analytical factors available or negotiated (Loyalty). Unfortunately, in the end it makes no difference since you have the free will.
We are not animals – we can choose.
That is right, it is a free will choice and you need to accept that, in a polarized reality, there is always the possibility that the trust and the placed loyalty can/could be broken. In fact, most of the times, this is the scenario that takes place.
Hell yes, it’s common knowledge that all that cheating and lying or deceiving is part of the game we play here. Do not fool yourself, we do not live yet into an ideal world. So why not take into consideration that everything is subject to change and betrayal is always a possibility. Be careful here not to confuse possibility with probability.
When you are betrayed, you feel rejected based on the perception that the other chooses something else instead of you, that you are no longer the option or the choice for this person, regardless of the reasons. Reasons come later, it is the mind trying to smoothen the situation, or to assist you in a retaliation. But, at first, you feel that you are not enough, or that what you did is not enough, triggering negative feelings. It is about questioning the base pillar of self-love.
Also, almost immediately, we feel compelled to withdraw from the interaction and separate. Or to attack. If your trust or the agreement you placed your trust in is compromised, you need to separate yourself from it so you will not suffer. Too late, the code is running. Unless you understand the program, you will suffer, or you will inflict suffering in return as a justified response.
Unless you are a decoder like me, you will be hurt and/or you will inflict pain, because this is what the mind program is designed to do. Is not bad or good, it’s just what it was designed to do. Keep it simple. It’s the only way to get out of this mess.
Outsmart the program
On the long run your ability to trust is diminished by the year, and eventually you will become closed, heartbroken and paranoid. You will start questioning everything and everyone so much that instead of being vulnerable and open to the Universe, you will grow strong defense mechanisms[10], that will push you into other mind programs which will keep you trapped. It’s a loose-loose program, if you let it run.
If you stand in the middle of change and creativity, which is actually born out of vulnerability, you will betray old beliefs in order to bring something new into this world. Giordano Bruno betrayed the beliefs of his time and he was burned for it, yet we praise him for opening the door of perception to a heliocentric Universe.
It is a pickle, no doubt about it.
The big question is: Are you mature enough to assume the hard choices?
The “comorbidities” of betrayal
When you betray, the first feelings that you experience are guilt and shame. 2 major mental programs designed again to keep us in the lower frequencies. Again, Brene Brown[11] is a source of knowledge in this area and you can study her works.
Shame is triggered because we did something unworthy of true connection[12] and this will immediately put you in a negative position or in the villain seat. We are conditioned from childhood to be ashamed all the time for doing something outside the boundaries set by the family or society.
Shame on you. You should be ashamed!
Shame differs from guilt via the fact that shame reveals the feeling of not being good enough, meanwhile guilt reveals the feeling that what you do is not good enough.
To have the courage to betray someone’s trust is sometimes inevitable. You might think that you should express what you are about to do, but you are afraid to do it. Afraid that you will be rejected, misunderstood, labeled as a selfish person, a cheater and so on. You rather hope you will never get caught or when you are, it will no longer matter.
Do not lie to yourself. Redemption and atonement are always required since you never thought that everything will be paid in full, one way or another. The problem is that you do not think. You do not assume the choice or you do not take into consideration that causality is a big law of the Universe. Cause and effect. There is no escape from this one. To think there is…no comment.
Pay attention to this one please.
I know that communication is the key to all the problems, but communication per se is not enough. You need consciousness.
Once you are in the seat of the one that is doing all the shitty business, you discover that most of the time you lack the courage to express your betrayal because in fact you want to make that choice that implies betrayal, you want to make that change, but you are afraid that you will be “talked out” of it, so you will be “stuck” into the old agreement. Damn, what a predicament.
If I do it, I will jump in the fast “wheel Mary go round” of betrayal, shame, guilt and separation.
If I will talk about it, I might be convinced not to do it.
Regardless, the other party still feels betrayed even if you expose yourself or not. The problem that most of us have unresolved issues that will immediately trigger trauma or a defense mechanism.
We demand transparency, but the real question is:
Are you up to it? Can you handle the blunt truth? Because, in most cases, we’d rather be nicely lied into a comfortable scenario.
You do not want to be “talked out” of the thing you want to do because this is what you feel like doing. You need to move on, to evolve and have other agreements, but you feel stuck in a negotiated or tacit agreement that you see there is no way out of. So, you choose to betray that.
In both cases, if you tell or don’t tell, the outcome is, most of the times, the same. The other party is hurt or feels hurt, so… why bother?
To save some appearances?
To have a clean conscience or to justify yourself out of the guilt loop?
To appear in a light of integrity, at least in your own eyes?
Maybe. But, in practice, I tell you: If you betray, you are a traitor no matter what you say or do because this program is a very perverse one.
I am not saying that you should betray, I am saying that in a perverted mind driven society, to find a balance is a hard thing to do. If it comes down to choosing between me and the others, guess what will be the answer?
In life-or-death situation, or in struggling times, one will choose himself/herself most of the times.
The contrary will be possible only if you go towards love, self-love, or if you listen to your heart. From the perspective of survival or ego, you will betray the other or you will betray yourself.
Where lies your loyalty?
How do you recognize the betrayal and the consequences involved?
You do not need to be a genius to recognize a betrayal. It feels bad. The sad part and the trick of the mind program is to enforce the mechanism of betrayal as early as possible in our life. This is possible because, in the first years of our life, our central nervous system is not fully developed and, even if your conscience link with the soul is still intact and you are present and aware, your body is not, and you do not have the proper means to choose for yourself what to do/like.
You feel helpless and betrayed by your own body, by your own soul. We were promised a lot of things as experience but the starting years…man…this is shitty business. You have nothing else to do but to trust that you will be nourished, changed, cleaned, taken care of, and so on. We place our trust into our caretakers and we hope that the love we offer will be returned. And I can go on and on with this utopia.
How many times this trust has been broken? Many times. So, we wake up to the naked truth. Trust can be broken. We can feel betrayed even by our own parents. Maybe they did all that is required, maybe they did not. The MOST IMPORTANT THING IS HOW WE FELT. If you felt betrayed, you will have this trauma even if there was no betrayal involved.
Based on the studies that Brene Brown[13] shared with us, she discovered and stated very clear that even when the child was loved and taken care off, the most important aspect is if she/he felt/or not being loved. Same with the trust and betrayal. This is how we code this frequencies and emotions/events.
It is said that from vulnerability love emerges. When you are so helpless and vulnerable, all we can practice is love, trust and vulnerability. This is exactly where the Mind Program intervenes and corrupts the conscience in order to train us into negative patterns and behaviors.
“An act of betrayal creates a constellation of negative behaviors, thoughts, and feelings in both its victims and its perpetrators. The interactions are complex. The victims exhibit anger and confusion, and demand atonement from the perpetrator; who in turn may experience guilt or shame, and exhibit remorse. If, after the perpetrator has exhibited remorse or apologized, the victim continues to express anger, this may in turn cause the perpetrator to become defensive, and angry in turn.
Acceptance of betrayal can be exhibited if victims forgo the demands of atonement and retribution; but is only demonstrated if the victims do not continue to demand apologies, repeatedly remind the perpetrator or perpetrators of the original act, or ceaselessly review the incident over and over again.
If no true apology, atonement, real remorse and plan to change one’s behaviors are not present, then the one who was betrayed can accept that it happened, and that the perpetrator is unwilling or unable to change. No real change means they can do it again. Lack of validation from the perpetrator can be described as a “second assault,” which can exacerbate the effects of the initial trauma incurred.
Accepting the betrayal and going no contact is the best route forward. The alternative is to stay in connection and realize the trespass can happen again, and may choose to avoid doing certain things to decrease severity. For example, if a person gossips, do not tell them your secrets.” (Betrayal n.d.)[14]
Introducing the first betrayal – we are abandoned
Who would’ve thought? We die in the spirit world in order to be born here and we lose connection with our creator. Bummer. This is very frustrating since we place our trust and dependency upon our parents and especially on our mothers. I wrote an article dedicated to this subject – The real meaning of motherfucker[15].
And we search and search again that lost connection believing after a while that the mother is the creator. Then you are told that, in fact, God is the creator of everything. Hmmm, where is this God? Then you are told that, in fact, there is a Soul and the Soul is the creator. Damn. A lot of confusing information.
On top of that, you find out that even your parents abandoned you legally to the State in the moment they traded your alive human status with a birth certificate making you legally property of the State. This is a complicated story, but worth pursuing.
Betrayals upon betrayals upon betrayals.
But why is that? Simple. So we can be accustomed with the idea of betrayal as part of the system and that you are helplessly caught into it, when, in fact, it is a simple choice.
The real lesson as an adult is this: We need to accept that, in a polarized reality, our choices can produce a positive outcome and we will have the trust we expected – very important this word – expected; or our choices can lead to betrayal and we feel bad due to the fact that we HAD EXPECTATIONS in the first place.
No expectation – no pain and suffering. Easy, right?
In theory, it is easy, but the problem is that we were taught to have expectation, and this later on was transformed into something more corrupt – loyalty, or the trust we negotiate.
The reality is much crueler than we think. In a life-or-death situation you are faced always with the choice between others and yourself. So, the question is still the same paradox:
Do you betray others or do you betray yourself?
if you betray others you are true to yourself. If you betray yourself you are true to others. Either way…you betray!
Facing self-betrayal, what exactly are we talking about? Who are you betraying? What are you betraying?
At lower levels, you are betraying your ego: your thoughts, your belief system, your ideas of who you or others think you are. In my opinion, this might actually be helpful for our evolution.
But, if we do well our research, if we become conscious upon ourselves and the reality we operate in, we see that each one of us has a physical, an emotional and a mental plane. Each one of them has boundaries, which, if broken, the physical, emotional or mental body suffer.
Boundaries are not the same as limits and they have nothing to do with the ego. Boundaries are the limits that define the space in which we can manifest here with maturity and integrity. Betraying that, betraying what you are, is what I see as a real betrayal. Other than that, we are just betraying the program.
In fact, you are betraying your inner child.
Weather it’s you or someone else breaking your own boundaries, the feeling is the same, except for the fact that betraying yourself is a double shot, as you are both the traitor and the betrayed one.
So… why would you do that for?
And how on Earth is everyone expecting the others to respect their boundaries when they are not even aware of their own? Yes, we still have to get back to the basics.
If every human being would know, respect and impose his/her boundaries, I truly believe that no one would feel hurt, therefore betrayed. I didn’t say no one would be betrayed, I said that no one would feel betrayed.
Since we are looking for a way out, this might actually be the closest and the most elegant way not to get out of the mess, but to coexist and have a life experience without having to wear the burden of betrayal or other wounds.
And this is why this betrayal business is complicated and paradoxical.
Betrayal at large
Here are some examples of betrayal:
- Between members of the family. I have seen the most horrible examples of betrayal. To be honest, the hardest lessons we learn are in the family – the first circle. The one that we are fooled that we cannot abandon and separate from.
We are told over and over again that we are stuck with the family and there is nothing to be done, pushing us closer and closer to betrayal. Others or ourselves.
What a bullshit. What a lie.
Everything is a choice; we are lied from the beginning. Almost everything is a lie.
- Between friends or in romantic relationships. Another common playground for this program. The root cause in this type of betrayal is lack of communication and transparency, or the numbers of compromises that inevitably will lead to treason. Here we can see: sexual infidelity, conditional commitment, a nonsexual affair, lying, forming a coalition against the partner, absenteeism or coldness, withdrawal of sexual interest, disrespect, unfairness, selfishness, and breaking promises.
- In business and transactions. This is the biggest field and usually the most non-personal playground for our subject. Betrayal, double crossing, betrayal within betrayal
Even if we claim that business “is nothing personal” here you will encounter the most aggressive actions and reactions triggered by betrayal. It is a ruthless ground. If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere. The problem is that the price for that is usually very steep. It can be your health, it can be you heart, it can be your mind or even your life.
Why do we betray?
If you still ask yourself this question, then I have bad news for you, my friend.
You are asking the wrong question.
This question is justifiable only at the lowest levels. If you become conscious of your reality or your choices, this is redundant.
If you betray without knowing why you do it, is bad. It is worse than doing it premeditated.
Of course, there is the case when you betray without knowing that you are actually doing it. Well…let’s say this won’t hold up under a good, clean, honest scrutiny. But we can lie to ourselves very well.
There are many reasons to betray or even more lies we feed ourselves to justify the betrayal. My opinion is that if it comes to that decision, you should really evaluate your life, your happiness and joy status and how much you are lying to yourself.
- We betray when we want to get out, but we did not learn that we are free and we can always announce our way out. Most of the times the one that is betrayed is angry because he/she was not informed, and then by the betrayal itself. “Man, you should’ve told me. That is all. It hurt to hear it from…”
- We betray because we lack courage. Why we lack courage? Because we were told that vulnerability is weakness. This way, unfortunately, we become something worse. We become cowards. We fear of being judged and rejected and we betray for another crowd or party, missing the point.
True belonging is not fitting in[16]. And in the name of fitting in, huge betrayals occurred in history or in our personal life.
At a deeper level, true belonging is not even a thing. Belonging to whom? Belonging to what? You have nothing to belong to when you become aware of the fact that you already are part of the all. You are all.
We betray because we are selfish and greedy.
We betray because we are afraid.
We betray when we lose our patience.
We betray when we cannot get/or we do not receive what we need. You will be surprised how many men and women are searching outside the relationship or agreements just because they do not get it from the inside; not to mention that monogamy can be amazing for a while, but when I complete myself with the aspects that I was searching for in my partner and vice versa, well…from here it’s torment…. or you become an adult and realize that you need more.
To each its own. We have different rhythms. Some stay in the same relationship one lifetime, others burn faster. No judgement in either case.
I will repeat over and over again until you all get it:
All choices are respected and are ok as long you respect life.
From a “normal”, “mind driven” perspective, betrayal might be seen as an egocentric behavior. But is it?
If we stay in the zone of: “if I don’t betray others, I betray myself and if I don’t betray myself, I betray others”, then, yes. I totally agree. It is an egocentric behavior. We actually betray in order to protect the ego of others or the ego of the self. Practiced in an unconscious manner, betrayal turns into a fight for power, it is a fight for energy.
On sight, this seems harmful and dangerous. And it is. Realizing that, at some point, one way or another, we’re all going to do it. This adds up more pressure upon one’s thoughts and feelings.
My question is: who exactly is hurting?
Or even deeper than that: what exactly gets hurt and damaged in this process? Oh, yeah. It’s the ego. And yet, you do it anyway, since you are caught in a loop.
Another question arises: are you doing it because you have no choice or are you doing it because you choose to? Does it make a difference? The difference consists in being responsible for your actions. That’s all.
As I said, one way or another, we’re all going to do it. Does it matter? Hell, yeah! This is the part when you start being conscious. This is the part when you regain your power and self-confidence, the part where you begin re-learning to trust yourself trough experience.
Still, something is missing. It must be something more behind that “why?”. We’ve partly covered the situation from a mind-related point of view, but how does it look like from the heart’s perspective? The heart cannot be perverted. It can only be covered.
The famous saying “Home is where the heart is” is widely misinterpreted, therefore misunderstood. Home for whom? The heart is home for our inner child. This lightens up the situation big time. The inner child is innocent, pure, uncorrupted. The inner child is so bright, that even for the most powerful ego it’s hard to stand before him. And this insight is valid for the self-ego, as well, it’s not just for the egos of others.
I’ll give you a “homework”, if you take it. Just stay around a newborn. It’s so powerful and so pure that it resets every thought, program or belief. Mothers and fathers prepare themselves for the day the child is born, yet, when the baby comes, no one what really knows what to do.
Now that we have the pieces of the puzzle, the big picture is starting to shape itself.
It seems that we have found the solution to our problem. But the Mind Program it is a perfected tool. For any solution you discover at the end of a decoding process, it has a way of getting you back into the eternal loop of trying to escape the matrix by looking to a solution inside the matrix.
In this case, the mind might use this solution as an excuse for future acts of betrayal. And, just in a blink of an eye, you’re back in the loop, feeding again the ego you will try again to kill, without even realizing when it happened. This is where the power of letting go proves itself to be priceless.
So, what is the way out then? It is funny to see that the answer is actually contained in the questions. Not the actual answer, but at least the element that leads towards it: the way out is out. Definitely not in.
So, stop looking for a solution from inside the box if you want to get outside of the box. And when you find something outside the box, it is pointless to bring it inside the box. You might want to try to stand up and reach for it. And when you reach it, if you use it like you think it should be used, you’ll just find yourself in another box, it’s just a bigger one. A box in a box in a box. Until you see that there is no box.
But, as I said, you cannot see without the light. What light? You might ask. The inner light. The inner child is not just outside the box. For the inner child, there is no box. And, with no box, the inner child is not trapped nor harmed, therefore the inner child does not need any salvation nor protection.
If there’s is something that might be hurt, it is definitely not the inner child, it is the image that is built by the mind about him/her. All it takes is to manifest and to trust his power, and for that, the adult MUST set up strong boundaries. It the only way the inner child will come out.
Seeing betrayal through the heart, if used consciously, it actually becomes a very useful tool for evolving, and much more than that: for liberation.
Remember. Betrayal is not a must, but in practice is an intermediary step for realizing that there are other ways to deal with reality.
It is a tool for change, a tool for the process of continuously dying and being reborn. A quote comes up into my mind: “he who’s not busy being born, is busy dying” – Bob Dylan[17]. To what end? When do we stop? Or… do we stop? Do we stop betraying? The harsh truth is that… yes. It has an end: the moment you wake up (being born again to quote J.C. (Jesus Christ)) or when you die.
This is a bitter pill to swallow, I know. But the fact is that we cannot endlessly deny that we live in a polarized reality, which is the reality in which our soul lives the experiences. These shitty experiences is what helps us evolve trough catharsis. And this happens for both of the parties involved: the traitor and the betrayed one have the chance to free themselves with each betrayal.
If you want to never be in the position to betray or be betrayed, the solution is simple:
What does this program of betrayal do?
Hmm. I’d rather answer to this question in a manner that will make it easy to understand. I will approach this in opposition to 8 main emotions that drive the humanity and promote progress. As you will see, betrayal opposes or challenges all of them.
The eight human drivers are as follows:
1.Belonging / Love – Connection from being with others or sense with self
As I have already mentioned, betrayal severs this connection and you no longer belong to the person/group or agreement, since you betrayed this. You are led to believe that you no longer belong or that you are no longer loved.
This is not the case, since true belonging is achieved for what you really are. We understand that people are subject to change, so you get the chance to decode this bullshit.
Each of us is unique and we are in constant upgrade. Physically, emotionally and mentally. To be stuck in one form is called death. The down side is that both parties are correct and wrong at the same time, hence the paradox.
We do not get to choose the people we love. It is as it is, even if they betray us. This is unconditional love. Never forget this.
2. Control/Security – Greater ability to maintain security in our lives
Betrayal sabotages the sense of security and control in our life. If you ask me this is ok, because our mind is already too much in control. We need to adapt, and what better way to be forced to change, but to be pushed into a place of vulnerability and uncertainties? We do not like that, but better said, the Mind does no like that.
Regardless, do not forget that the only constant in the UNIVERSE is CHANGE.
3. Diversity/Change – Wanting more, having variety
Betrayal or the fear of betrayal is actually preventing you to choose new ways, new things and diversity. It will keep you in a loop. It is a “comfort” zone that is well negotiated and sometimes written. We do that to assure that within agreed parameters we can safely operate.
If you do not change, there is no progress, there is no evolution. It is a paradox way to be pushed out of the comfort zone, but sometimes, there is no other way.
We are too stubborn to change. We are lazy and solid.
“Be like water my friend, be like water” – Bruce Lee
4. Recognition/ Significance – the opportunity to achieve and to grow
Sometimes we tell ourselves that in order to grow we need to step on skeletons. That it is ok to betray, to push people out and achieve the impossible. We strive for recognition and for power. Yes. We like power and, most of the times, in search of power we do horrible things, including betrayal.
I do not say is ok to betray, but since you are in that selfish position, you might be open and transparent about it. Is better. Do not sugarcoat your message.
Being inclined to betray, you can become better than you already are or you can become worse than you are. The choice is yours.
5. Achievement – The need to make progress in our plans
Even if it seems that a betrayal will put a pause and will stop all agreed endeavors, history is full of examples from either side of the polarized spectrum (good vs. bad), that shows the opposite.
Once you take this into consideration you are forced to rethink, regroup and redo everything.
All achievements will go into a pause/reset or a do over. It is a good thing out of a bad thing.
In a non-polarized reality there is no good or bad.
6. Challenge/ Growth – The opportunity to achieve and to grow
As I said above, this program can mess everything up, just because it can.
In the end, once a betrayal is over, both parties are gracefully offered by the Universe a priceless gift: the freedom to choose if to go back and reinforce the program or if to use this experience in order to grow and evolve towards real freedom. We are free if we assume our freedom. We just don’t know that.
The Devil lies in the details.
7. Excellence – Self-satisfaction and pride in the things we do
Betrayal will fuck this up. It will put you in the position that you no longer believe in yourself, lest to have the confidence and stamina to excel in life.
We are constantly told to achieve more, to move on constantly in hierarchy, but in fact it’s the same program that you are told from childhood – “You are not enough” – thus the competition.
This is perfect for betrayal. All ingredients are here. You just need to light the fuse. Bang.
Remember that you do not take anything with you in death. I hate to tell you, but you do not want a heavy heart after this life.
8. Responsibility/ Contribution – The need to contribute
We as humans are compelled to leave something behind us. We want to be remembered, forever and ever, if possible. Many of us make a lot of stupid choices or compromises in order to achieve that feeling of fulfillment. It is not necessary to betray in order to achieve that. Relax. The world can live without you. We are necessary, but not indispensable.
We are here to learn. Even about betrayal and how to avoid it.
Unique vs. Different
Once and for all, we need to learn the difference between being different and being unique.
The biological chance for us to be here in our body is one in 4 trillion. It is a big number. A very big fucking number. That is how unique we are.
If we are told that we are different is because in this program there is room for us to compare ourselves with the others. Pay attention to the language or logos. Different races, different countries and communities, different colors and so on.
We are not different. We are unique.
Once you accept that there is no comparison, there is no judgement. There is only acceptance.
Different = I can tolerate you but I am judging you at the same time. You are or you are not what/how I want you to be. – mind.
Unique = I accept you, I can not judge you anymore. You are what you are. – heart.
The competition program is a very powerful source of betrayal because it fuels it. Competition and comparison will give you all the reasons, logical or not to dive in head first into betrayal.
Or you can choose to be unique.
The key to unlock betrayal
The speed of energy. This is the key.
Betrayal is a paradox program. It fucks up both sides. If you do not betray you will definitely betray yourself until you will realize that in fact, we are unique beings that evolve in time. But we have different speed.
We do not betray, we move on. It is called evolution and, in the end, Integration.
Both parties are right. The one in the victim position is correct to feel the way he/she feels.
The perpetrator is right as well. The need for change is compelling and we feed ourselves with all the reasons and justification.
In reality, try to see that, in fact, both of them want the same thing but each chooses a different path, and we pay for that.
This is my gift to you. This key will set you free from everything, and in time you will learn; we learn together more elegant ways to evolve that will not involve betrayal, but good communication and conscious choices.
There is no genetic key for betrayal but if it was; the 3 stages would be:
The shadow aspect: betrayal
The gift aspect: moving on/acceptance
Siddhi: integration
In conclusion, I will tell you a story about how this key was decoded.
I was in both places. I betrayed and I was betrayed, like everyone. The only difference is that I did not settle with that.
Like the replica in The Young Pope[18] – “I do not want to settle for less”.
I needed to understand the emotional and mental implications of the program but something was not right every time I was in the position because the energy was strange/somehow different and I felt all the time that something is eluding me.
I needed to see this program not from the mental/logic perspective, but from the energy perspective. I needed to see how this energy is moving and how is encoding the bodies.
So, I did, and as corrupted as it is, I also see the utility and the elegance of this perverted program.
We need many tools on our path to evolution, but we need light to see the path. Unlocking this key gave me access to the light I needed.
But do not take my word for it. Just do what you feel. It’s what brought me here and now. There is no other suggestion that I can give you.
The lack of movement is called – DEATH.
[1] Inception – The movie –
[2] What is a paradox? –
[3] What is catharsis? –
[4] John Pierrakos (February 8, 1921 – February 1, 2001) was an American physician and psychiatrist –
[5] Rănile sufletului –
[6] THE MATRIX – The movie –
[7] Allegory of the cave – Plato –
[8] What is betrayal? –
[9] Betrayals And Treason: Violations Of Trust And Loyalty – by Nachman Ben-Yehuda
[10] 15 Common defense mechanisms –
[11] TED Talk – Brene Brown – Listening to shame –
[12] Shame vs Guilt – Brene Brown –
[15] Bralgei Shackry – The real meaning of motherfucker, from birth to freedom and mastering your life
[17] Bob Dylan – It’s Alright, Ma (I’m Only Bleeding)
[18] The young pope – Series
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