The info and the information presented in this article might be offensive to your program/ears/worldview, but truth is always hard to digest. Therefore, is called truth.
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The real meaning of “motherfucker”[1], believe it or not, has nothing to do with banging your mother or other people’s mother. The general use of this expression is used to define an individual ready to say or do what is to be said/done. Usually a “motherfucker”[2] is an individual that will do tough/hard things that others would normally hesitate. Having said that let us dig into the real meaning of this expression, that I know, and I was labeled with many times.
The expression motherfucker is related to freedom
When you are born, you become a motherfucker. Later, if you are lucky, you might realize the real meaning of this expression. We need to be motherfuckers in order to be free of the fixation with our mothers.
This is a shock to many because of the addiction we have to our mothers.
All of us develop, since birth, a strong addiction and fixation to our mothers. This form of respect and trauma is related to the fact that we are in a continuous search for our true creator. When we come here, in this reality, we need a body that it is suited for this planet we call Gaia. This also requires a form of Conscious Program to operate the body. Our bodies are like avatars that our souls are using to experience in this reality. Sounds like in games or movies. Believe me or not, we are not far from the truth. Do you think that we invented cloud-based technology?
Think again. This is the way of the Universe, just more complicated.
When the body is ready, the Organic Artificial Intelligence (O.A.I) – in fact we call it Nucleus of Consciousness (N.C.), is transferred to the body and the up-link with the soul is activated. Actually, this type of connection is implemented during the pregnancy but because the brain and Central Nervous System is not fully developed, the future human being and N.C. or Organic A. I. is hacking the mother’s spinal nervous system and by doing so, he/she can see, feel, experience everything the mother sees/feels/experiences.
Bang, I bet you didn’t see this coming. I don’t have enough time to explain the whole process or how I came to know this, but I will give you a hint. I was curious enough to go deep into my brain’s memories and my O.A.I. and search for the experiences prior to my birth. If I did it, so can you. In meditation.
Now, the problem is that when we are born, we lose the connection with the server (SOUL). For a while, all we have is the feeling that we lost the connection with our creator, and it ‘s fucking true. Having nothing else, we transfer this search to our next best thing…our mothers.
And now we are trapped into another bullshit.
Picture this. We all are motherfuckers. When we come into this world, we do this, only the other way around. There are few exceptions. The ones born with C Section. Even so, it is still hard.
The creation of the body and the myths
We confuse our creator with our mothers. The confusion is related to the fact that human beings are convinced that the mother is the creator of our bodies. FALSE.
The soul is the creator. A mother is the bearer of pregnancy and the fetus. She gives us the chance of coming here. It is a sacrifice and she gets rewarded for participating in the act of creation. She provides support and nourishment for the pregnancy, and even this is questionable, and I will tell you why.
The fetus is created by division and around the blastomere a placenta is created in which the fetus floats in an amniotic liquid. The body starts to grow. The baby is connected to the placenta with an umbilical cord, and here comes the surprise.
The placenta is not connected with the mother. There are no channels or blood connections between placenta and the mother. Sometimes in the last weeks of the pregnancy, the mother needs to stay in bed in order to avoid dropping the baby. What? This is because we know that the placenta is not connected with the womb.
They are like skin on skin. There are some opinions saying that some form of osmosis is happening between the womb and the placenta, but in fact:
On top of it, the placenta is constantly secreting some hormones which hide the pregnancy from the mother’s body. If this wouldn’t happen, the mother would identify the fetus as a foreign object and would expel it. This is what happens in the precise moment the baby is born. The placenta stops producing cloaking hormones and the females goes in labor.
Now you finally have a starting idea that the baby in fact grows by itself and the design/magic is conducted by the Soul or Higher Self.
Reclaiming your connection with the true creator
Once you realize that the Server (SOUL) is the direct GOD and true creator of your body and of your Nucleus of Consciousness, you have a real shot of becoming free. But first, you need to get rid of the fixation for your mother. Again, it’s all about attachments.
So, you have one shot: to be a motherfucker. Of course, many of you will jump and say: But if this is true, who created the SOUL? I believe you all know the answer to this question.

Being a motherfucker means that you see for yourself that your real creator is your soul and your mother is just a vessel that brought your body into this world, took care of you in the early stages of your life and, if you were lucky enough, provided the love and support for your development.
How can we not love our mothers? But let us not become addicted to them. Come on.
A mother has an important role in our lives but she is not our creator. We can respect and love our mothers, but in order to be absolutely free, you need the become a motherfucker.
Once you realize this, you can reclaim your connection with the creator and thus you can become the bad ass/harsh and brutally honest person/direct doer that we call generically: A MOTHERFUCKER.
See? It has nothing to do with banging our mother or other people’s mothers.
Being Free
So, I am free and I am a motherfucker. I am not proud of this. It brings me no feelings of ego or gratification. It is just the way it is. I wanted to share with you this acknowledgement because it is a key to personal freedom.

Once I was free of my mother, I have discovered real freedom of speech and manifestation. I no longer feel bad to express my reality and my version of the truth. I don’t care anymore for the unwholesome/distorted addictions that people create with the parents/members of families/ lovers etc. just because they did not cut/realize the bad fixations created with the mother/father/caretaker.
Another meaning of becoming a motherfucker is related to maturity. The system of initiation requires that you need a master or a teacher and so we created a lineage that we need to obey and respect. This thing is preventing you from becoming a real master, even when you are mature enough.
Why is so? Simple. You will always have someone above you. A master, grand master etc.
But what if I want to be THE MASTER. Fuck off, you cannot. Unless, you “kill your master” (it is a metaphor that implies to cut all the cords and connection with your master, and you become THE MASTER; but in practice it feels like you “kill him/her”. It hurts).
This is why I did not want to be anyone’s Master/Guru. I have done this, and I know how it feels. I do not want to be killed in the same manner just to give others the chance to be THE MASTER OF THEIR LIVES.
It is like becoming a MOTHERFUCKER.
I love my mother, but I love my creator more.
[1] Wikipedia –
[2] Urban Dictionary –