“He who controls the spice controls the universe”
“Dune” by Frank Herbert
The food chain is a paradox for many of us. Humans are now the solution and the problem.
It’s been so long since I have been working in the field of nutrition and life extension (Biohacking, Longevity, Advance supplementation and regeneration) and this gives me the privilege to see the short term the middle term and the long-term effects on the human life. I have done my part, and I will continue to do so (Training and coaching consciences)
I have been dedicated my life, to the paradox of life itself, and since it, this is my passion and obsession, it is always a responsibility to give red flags whenever serious events are about to happen.
We are on the brink of major change in our reality. The big one.
I have been giving counseling, insights and solutions for various number of problems over the years, that we humans have been confronted here on earth, but now, we are facing a different type of problem. One problem that only few of us can perceive.
I am talking about the crumble of food chain supply, that we are part of it.
We are not the top predators on the planet. We are part of the food chain.
We eat from the chain supply under us and we give energy or food above.
Considering ourselves, the top of the pyramid is false, and since human beings are more and more depleted of energy, consciousness, feelings, we have nothing to give above. And this is a very big problem.
The beings above us, whether you call them, Angels, higher beings, celestial beings, gods, or whatever, are also dependent of what can we supply them with.
We’ve been brainwashed into believing that we are the main characters in the story, but we are not. We re part of the problem, and the solution.
In the meantime, losing sight of the real perspective of life, it’s equally detrimental to us and the beings above us.
The main purpose for human beings is to move, evolve, gather consciousness or experience in order to provide an ongoing flow of energy in a polarized reality.
We need both polarities.
We need the negative and the positive in in the same time.
If there is no positive and negative there is no movement of energy from one polarity to another, so you see, we need both experiences.
We need of the light and we need the experience of the dark.
There is no reality without both polarities.
I’m asking you now, to make an exercise of imagination and think about the food chain supply.
What happens one of the food supply does not provide what is needed for the chain supply to flow?
Pretty simple question with a pretty simple answer.
It is logic that if we sabotage chain supply, the whole cycle collapses, especially if we are a major players in the chain supply.
So you see, we have a very important role in the history of this, whatever you wanna call it, earth, planet, reality.
We are providers of Energy and food in a different aspect for the levels above us .
Without us everything crumbles .
Think about it!
This is a very complex ecosystem, and if we are not careful enough, the whole bubble will recycle.
And he’s not the first time, regardless of the technology we are currently using.
We have proofs that other civilizations, more advanced than us, lived thousands of years before our civilization.
Today we can no longer ignore the fact that some of the ancient civilizations possessed technologies beyond our current level.
Where are they now?
No longer here.
Did they lack the technology?
Did they lack the knowledges?
Or did they lack the consciousness to understand that we are part of a bigger cycle?
I tend to believe the third one is the answer.
Think about it.
Bralgei Shackry