UPDATE: So i hate to be another one that “I told you so about 5G networks”, but I told you so. Anyway, I found a solution for both sides. One solution that allows us to use our phone and also not to be disrupted by EMF radiation.
This panic with Corona Virus is in fact the end of freedom as we know it. It is already happening. Tanaaaa… All this it is about creating panic, and let me remind you something basic:
fear will kill you faster than any virus
(if you leave a goat in chain and put a wolf in chain a little FURTHER,
GUESS who will die first?)
If you ask me we need to reinvent out technology from the bottom. Until then, the Universe provided us with some compromise solutions. But please stop with the panic.
We will recover from this Corona Virus, faster than the economy. Well, we need to reinvent our self in this chapter. I do not know how. I am a visionary, not an economist.
Conections about 5G networks and pandemic
Here are some video and connections. I am tired of telling you the obvious, and since I am not allowed to convince anyone of anything, I give you the chance to choose. At the end I give you also a solution, if you choose to accept it. The I.O.Shield. Something that I have been perfecting for the last 12 years.
As you can see, the people are put very nicely in homes as panic is spread. We have a world wide pandemic of cancer for more than 5 years. Have you ever heard anything about it? No, because it was not intended to be mediated as a pandemic. Cancer is not contagious. yet, it kills a lot of people every day. This pandemic will go away. Cancer will not.
The real purpose is the economy. and I am very curious how will dodge this?
With out furter due, here are the links:
(word of advice: “use your heart and filter the info”)
Video 1 – 5G Networks and Human Imune system #CovidScapegoatFor5GDeaths
Video 2 – 2020 03 24 Update on Corona Virus – Simon Parkes
Article and video – Update in the quantum field
Video 4 – “Shungite Radio Show” 2/25/20 on Karelian Meteorite
Solutions for your Corona Virus “fight”
First of all, chill the fuck down. Panic will not help you. 5 minutes of panic will shut down your immune system for 5 hours. (not completely, but seriously). I believe that we can not escape from Corona Virus. I believe that sooner or later all of us will be infected some how. Let not make it exponential at once. We will become immune or upgrade. Yes, some will die. It is an hard truth, but in the end we all die.
We need to move and to do what we know to do. I can not stay and watch what is is happening. I see that we will speed up our process to upgrade our conscience. our children will help us in this proced. They are furious.
We need to let them do what they came here for, and STOP TELL THEM WHAT TO DO! Can not you see that our way failed? Come on. They know the path!
Get off phones, tablets, computer and TV. It will kill you if you are not protected at cellular level. I am not kidding. As you can see, the plan is going very smoothly. Instead of spending less time in front of screens we spend more. How stupid is stupid?
We can use our technology but remember that any kind of extreme is damaging. Too little or too much is equally bad. The internet and youtube is full with material and studies about the influence of too much radiation on our body. Of corse we were too busy to aknowledge this.
I will rather use the word “preoccupied” instead of being occupied with doing the things that we need to do. Well. This is how we learn. I hope is not too late.
Dr. Jack Kruse has warned us about the effect on microwave technology[1].
Who listen? I did. Here is an major article on this subject: https://bralgei.com/emf-smog-life-5g-networks-and-the-oxidation-stress/
[1] Jack Kruse – Why technology causes B vitamin issues
Get yourself an I.O.Shield – read here about it
I will keep you up to speed.
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