We are angry and we are told that if we cannot go outside, we should go inside. Really? Are u fucking nuts? Do you have any idea what’s in there? All this is bullshit.
How many of you have the courage to express what is it inside? How many of you realize the trap of going inside today? We are angry and we are facing our demons today. Be wise. They are all waiting inside.
I can see what it is inside humans, and it is not something very warm, loving and calm. It is rage, frustration, pain. Dodge this.
Forget pretty words and bullshit psycho techniques. Most of us realize now that we have been stupid, and the one that do not realize this, are just too proud to admit it.
And this makes me even more angry.
Is like Osho[1] said to people when he was asked what to do if we want to love ourselves. “If I tell you to love yourself, you will go inside and love what is it inside, which is 90% mind and ego, thus you will feed the ego. The result will be catastrophic. Instead, I say, stay in the moment, and you might have the chance to experience true love”.
I can see why we are all angry and frustrated, but since this is a time for introspection, at least we should have the decency to say what it is in our heart. Our demons are a part of us. We need to make peace with the dark side of our humanity.
Look at our children. They are angry, they are actually in rage. They know we fucked up this reality. Time is up. They already know this. That is why they are furious. They trusted us for nothing.
I have been working with myself and other people for many years. I have a pretty good idea of things that we have staked inside and now, that shit is bubbling up toward surface. Do you think that the people that are forcing us to stay inside have no idea about this? I say they do. I say we are going in the Phase 2 of this bullshit and they expect us to explode from moment to moment.
I say they took into account the fact that we are so frustrated, and that many of us will snap, start a riot, or a form of revolution, which is EXACTLY WHAT WE SHOULD NOT DO.
What we need is a RE-EVOLUTION, not a REVOLUTION
I present you the big idea, since time is up and I have nothing to loose:
Give the people for years and years, all the instruments and means to experience the OUTSIDE and when all reach that maximum point, take that away and force them to go INSIDE. This is Phase 1. Reasons are not important. Covid-19 is just a pretext. As good as any.
What do you think will happen?
They will go crazy. Of course.
We need time and a lot of will power to cure our self of the excess entertainment. Funny word. “Enter in taint” (To enter in taint or in sin. Please do not go religious on me now. To be in sin is simply to forget about yourself. Not being conscientious is similar to be in sin. Study. Now you see the connection)? You have been fooled and now they are trying to control the scenario. It is all data and control. You have the power, you have the energy, but you willingly give your power to few individuals (Not the system).
Do not confuse the system with some guys that decided to hack the system in their favor. We are the System, do not forget that.
What do you receive back? FEAR and BULLSHIT.
Oh, I have almost forgot. More streaming entertainment 5G (Read more in this article).
Once you will receive the permission to go outside, the streaming system for VR (Virtual Reality) and all the rest will be up and running.
Do you think that from this point, will anyone have any chance to go inside and stay there in peace and love? Or ascend? I seriously doubt that. It will be all a facade. We will have access to virtual worlds upon worlds in which we will lose ourselves. And we will pay with our energy, with our souls. Now you see the bullshit that we have been given, or still you do not see it?
So, I am angry. Yes, I am angry because we failed again as humans, and we need to start over again. Unfortunately, time is up, and this is no longer possible. We are free now, but is too late.
I have seen all this and much more. Who believed me?
Now you know why I have chosen not to bring children into this world. There is no future here. Just entertainment.
And believe me, there is nothing wrong with this, until we go into extremes. Fun and entertainment can be balanced with consciousness and evolution skills, but this it is not easy.
All extremes are dangerous, and eventually, deadly.
Time is up. I am waiting for the Phase 3…