The rebirth of Gaia and freedom for humanity
8th of January 2008 – The planetary grid is complete and operational
8th of January 2020 – Gaia is born again
We are free but we do not know this
The rebirth of Gaia and freedom for humanity
For most of you this will be just a story, but Gaia, or our planet is alive and is using this Corona virus to update the human DNA. We are free. Gaia brought freedom for humanity as it was born to this reality. It made us free, but we are unaware of this. Only few people know this truth.
What is happening now is a process of natural selection since we have been very good at making this planet a comfort zone for our evolution.
I hope you read this article before you share it.
What I am about to tell you will be shocking for many and reactions will follow. I am prepared for this. To be honest, I had 12 years to prepare myself for this. But this is my truth and I will share it with you in the best of my abilities.
The story starts in Atlantis. Yes, the lost continent. We did something very wrong then. We managed to disrupt the Planetary Energy Grid[1] (see the documentary: Ancient Aliens[2]).
Imagine this grid as the meridians in our body. There are special lines that caries cold plasma and charged particles in order to assure life of the planet. In our arrogance we tried to do something more than we were prepared for, even though our society was back then more advance than this one, technologically speaking. We wanted to reach the stars, but we managed to destroy our chance to enter the galactic community.
Many hundred of thousand years later we managed to repair this grid. It was a group effort. We broke it. We had to fix it. Many of the temples and pyramids have this unique role to repair what we destroyed many years ago.
8th of January 2008 – The planetary grid is complete and operational
Gaia has the chance to be born again as a living spirit of this planet. The process takes 12 years for this class planet. It is like the moment of conception for a baby. You need to wait 9 months in order to be ready for birth. And we waited and did the best we could to prepare ourselves and other for what will come.
12 years later…
8th of January 2020 – Gaia is born again.
We knew this would happen, but nobody knew what would happen. Gaia did a grand gesture that nobody imagined possible. Gaia made us all free by resetting all the vows and promises, all the pledges and karmic connections. We did not believe that is true in the beginning.
In the next few weeks things changed a lot for the ones that were in connection with our souls and guides.
In fact, everyone was informed that from now on we will follow our planet Gaia (Pasha mama), not the other way around. We were given 2 choices. Adapt to the new evolution program that from now on will be dictated by the planet itself or die. I know. It is very cold but we were given many chances along these 12 years. We thought that we could postpone the inevitable.
Obviously, we cannot. All we need to do is to bring this information from the level of subconsciousness to the conscious mind and adapt. Gaia needs to evolve, and we need to adapt to this process of evolution.
We need to upgrade our vibration level and to evolve our consciousness level.
From now on, all resources do not belong to us, and we need to respect that. All that happened from January 2020 up until now, it is a direct consequence of the fact that we need to change the old ways.
Of course, you think that this virus is made by humans. Countries are already blaming each other for this tragic event but let me give you other information.
Viruses and especially Flu and Influenza viruses have a unique function. They constantly update the human DNA. At least 2 times per year. It is a normal natural process for update and natural selection governed by the planet. It is like a computer. From time to time we receive a package of information update for our software to up to date with the latest changes and novelties.
There is nothing wrong with that. Do not think in nature it is different. We were created in the image of the planetary DNA. We invented computing science but it is just a copy of the natural order. DNA is a double binary-code. It has a double backup system. But it is the same, only much more complicated.
Gaia has used viral loads for as long as we know. Now it is using this again to upgrade us. Why are we resistant to change? Well, this is the real problem.
Gaia is a very sophisticated living bio-system, but it will use simple and elegant solutions to the problems at hand. If that was not so obvious in the past, now Gaia is alive, even more, it is like a new baby born.
If, as a new born, Gaia could make this pandemic real, imagine what she can do in a couple of years? So, we need to evolve and to abandon our old ways and old ways of thinking.
We are free but we do not know this
Each soul on this planet is now free[3], unless it does not want to be free and acts as a slave. We are so free that we do not even know what it means. We forgot how it is to act free and be free.
We are free of the vows and the promises that we made to others. We are completely free. The RESET BUTTON was pressed and now we can do what we feel. Gaia made this possible. It is an act of compassion for humanity. You are no longer ordained to a religion, or a cult. You do not need to obey a vow. Just follow your heart. You just need to respect life from now on. In any form.
Respect what is important. Respect your thought, respect your word, respect each other, respect the community and until we change the system, respect it as long it will not infringe harm and constrain your freedom.
Do not harm yourself and do not harm others.
The primal law: RESPECT LIFE. This means to respect the life inside you, and after that to respect the life outside you.
A virus is not a living organism[4]. A virus is a tool. It is a correction tool.
Do not blame a virus. We need to change our attitude and upgrade our immune system.
Fear and panic will weaken our immune system. IT IS NO GOOD. Read my articles on EMF smog, life, 5G networks and the oxidation stress[5].
Many have died and will die in this process because they choose to go. For them Gaia did something extraordinary as well. The karmic bonds are not active anymore. They do not need to come back here. They can choose to continue the evolution on other planets. It is something that I haven’t heard of in the history of planets.
It is not a tragedy, it is a natural selection
Corona Virus is just a tool used by the Planet to ensure the integrity of the DNA and to make us free. Once this planet is alive, it is natural to take control of the resources and I find this pandemic an elegant solution. How we manage this, is a different story.
We say we were not prepared for it. I say we were informed, but we chose to ignore this information because we are proud and stupid. Now many of you are in panic.
Remember the first law: Everything that is born, must die. You can choose when and how.
Adapt or die.
The rage of the children
All children are furious (Read here why?). They came on this planet with all the genetics up to date. They have better understanding, better empathetic system, better speed and so on.
What did we do to them? We corrupted them and told them what to do. Were we correct to their task and purpose? I say no. In their place, wouldn’t you be frustrated?
I say the planet heard them. Gaia heard their cries, why else are the children not affected?
Can you not see that there are no coincidences?
Do we know the outcome? I say yes and no at the same time. I hope I am wrong, and the scenario will finally change, people will understand that this pandemic will not go away, and we will not resume our stupid way of life.
A hope that we do not go back at being inauthentic, ironic and passive aggressive.
I hope we find the truth in our hearts and move on along with the planet.
I hope we start giving our children the chance to guide us. STOP telling them what to do.
I hope the children we already damaged, will be healed and come back to their program and purpose.
I hope that we learn boundaries. I hope we learn to respect our inner child and people’s limits. Here is an article with the first steps – Limitele de integritate – Boundaries.
I hope we start to respect life in all its forms and diversities, because we see how life on this planet is correcting itself from the real virus – CORRUPT HUMAN BEING. Remember that our hearts are not corrupted. Only the mind is corrupted, only the program (read: Decoding Betrayal in 2020 – A powerful key to free ourselves from a double trap, paradox mind program).
Become a HUMAN, an OM, and enjoy this planet as our home and spaceship.
Remember: WE ARE FREE NOW, but we need to own our freedom. There is no other way.
[1] Planetary Grid –
[2] Ancient Aliens IMDB –
[3] End of freedom –
[4] What is a virus? –
Fantastic. Thank you for putting of this information in one place. Everybody needs to knows about all this. And the more people who know and understand, the better. Mulțumesc, bunul meu prieten! 🙂