Does non-natural EMF smog radiation impact us? I said it does. The studies I will present say the same thing for more than 10 years. Why don’t we consider these studies and warning signs? Because it doesn’t strike you directly, as a flue does, when your nose runs for 7 days. The impact is slow and steady. This is called oxidation stress.
When we are young, we have a large amount of bio-available magnesium and copper, which decreases with age. The place of these ionic minerals is taken over by iron. What do you think that excess iron combining with oxygen or reactive oxygen species (ROS; Reactive Oxygen Species) will produce? Oxidation, or, in short, rust.
This introduction is not intended to alarm you more than the corona virus has already done (Updated information on COVID-19[1]). It’s just another warning about a much deeper and more subtle reality with a more profound impact than a flu.
Corona Virus and oxidation stress related to 5 G roll-out
This is about oxidation stress overload of the immune system, which ultimately happens because of too many free radicals (hydroxyl radical -OH, in particular). And for the work to be “well done”, there’s no need for a very complex free radical. I’m talking about the ordinary iron. It’s just that, in fact, there’s nothing ordinary about iron.
I will present a series of hypotheses and connections. You draw the conclusions yourself.
The story begins with a large amount of magnesium when we are young versus a small amount of iron, a ratio that is reversed over the years, and at one point, we discover that we do not have magnesium, but we have a lot of iron and rust instead.
The eyes play an extremely important role and you will understand why there is such a great connection between the exposure to electromagnetic radiation, the LED screen technology and our state of health. All are related.
You can eat super organic and careful. If you do it in cold light, it’s for nothing. The wavelength matters. Frequency matters, because everything is frequency.
The story of the stars
Before I get into today’s article, I would like you to picture a different perspective. Every astrophysicist is aware of the resemblance of the human body to a galaxy. There are amazing similarities. From the arrangement of the fields to the composition. We are literally star dust and, as galaxies are composed of stars and other stellar dusts, our bodies are also made up of cells and other elements.
The stars are born[2] under specific conditions and light up when hydrogen begins to fuse. Energy and helium result from the nuclear fusion reaction. As long as there is hydrogen, a star works. When the hydrogen is finished, there are several scenarios, depending on the mass of the star. But…
In time, a star can give birth to the following elements from the periodic table of elements[3]: Lithium, Beryllium, Carbon etc. Heavier and heavier elements are formed until a star produces a seemingly ordinary element: IRON. The moment a star produces iron, it dies suddenly.
Why? It is not well known, but the iron in a star produces either its collapse or its explosion. Very strange, isn’t it? Iron is very dangerous to a star. Maybe we need to be more careful about the iron in the human body, especially when we leave it near oxygen, which is the most reactive gas on the planet.
You will ask: What about the other elements, when are they formed? You guessed. In the explosion or supernova. I do not want to insist on this story, but it is good to know what causes the death of the stars in order to understand more deeply the analogy I have made with our cells.
EMF Smog and Excess iron and ceruloplasmin (ferroxidase) deficiency
Today, the emphasis is on the lack of iron in the body, and few people are looking at iron excess. No situation is better than the other. The key lies in the proper iron metabolism, and given the importance of this iron balance, we need to know certain things.
Ceruloplasmin or ferroxidase is an enzyme with an extremely important role in oxidative stress management. It has six copper atoms in its structure and it prevents iron binding. The role of feroxidase is exposed în this study[4]. Without this enzyme we rust quickly.
Iron is a very important element in the body and exists within in two states: ferrous iron Fe2 (bivalent) and ferric iron Fe3 (trivalent). We need iron especially in the blood, where more than 70% of the iron we normally use is found. Iron does not cling because it is used in cellular exchanges, and these exchanges are facilitated by ceruloplasmin or ferroxidase.
Essentially, red blood cells contain a lot of iron, needed for hemoglobin synthesis, which carries oxygen. If this iron is not properly regulated and in free form, we will have a lot of rust. We need iron, of course, it is an essential element, but not excess iron and not where it is not supposed to be: deposited in our body. Like everything in this universe, iron must circulate, not stagnate. It’s simple. Whatever stays, it rots. Life is about something else, life is flow.
In short: the human body needs 24g of iron to replace a bunch of cells daily, but excess iron needs to be released. This is done by macrophages (the cells that cleanse the tissues) – which is required to have a function of ferrous anti oxidation, a lot of ceruloplasmin and retinol. If we do not have these key elements, this excess iron becomes dangerous and is stored wherever it is possible.
Iron in contact with oxygen produces oxidation. See study on the role of iron in eye disease[5]. This is the first link between excess oxidative stress and eyes. We need healthy eyes, bioavailable copper and vitamin A to produce an enzyme that does not allow iron to bind: ceruloplasmin (ferroxidase).
Blue light, eye health and 5G Networks
Blue light[6] is a specific light for midday, with values between 350-800 nanometers, present especially when the sun is high in the sky and the light exceeds 2300 Kelvin in intensity for several hours. Otherwise, the human eye is not very accustomed to the blue light, nor does it excel at blocking this light. Seriously. For millions of years we lived in the dark or semi-darkness.
The human eye feels good when daylight decreases in intensity. In addition, we can use candles or the light from the fire. Even when the light bulbs appeared, they emitted a warm light, which did not exceed the intensity the human eye was as used to.
The invention of the cold light and LED technology messed up a lot of things. Here’s an article from Harvard Medical School[7] on this topic. With the excess of cold light, imbalances have appeared in the sleep-wake cycle, in hormone synthesis and especially in eye health.
The excess blue light affects us, and if we still want to use these gadgets, we need to protect our eyes. Bono’s not crazy for wearing yellow glasses.
These links do not stop here, the implications being very deep and branched. Here is Dave Asprey’s website – True Dark[8] where you can find information and solutions to this problem. I also offer you an article[9] about the blue light and the long-term dangers we face by exposing ourselves to this light. I want to emphasize another aspect. A simple one.
Prolonged exposure to blue light, which comes mainly from the electronic screen, tablets, phones, TVs etc., has serious effects on our health.
I say it and and other very clever ones say it as well for more than 10 years, such as Jack Kruse[10] , the same man who exposes links between health and 5G networks[11]. If he doesn’t know what he’s talking about, then who does?
I have given a lot of hints about longevity. Who cares about what I say?
Joe Kohen, another world-class biohacker, quotes Jack Kruse in a very interesting article – Dr. Jack Kruse: EMFs, Biohacking Water, DHA & Blue Light [12].
As usual, what escapes us is right in front of our eyes[13] – the lack of bioavailable copper, the lack of magnesium and the excess iron, partly due to the fact that we tear our eyes in front of devices that strike us with blue light and excess electromagnetic radiation (you’ll soon see the connections with this part).
All of this, many, but simple things, continuously escaped us threw our fingers because, in the eternal preoccupations from daily life, we have forgotten to be aware of the choices we make and their consequences. Well, the Universe accounts everything and invoices begin to arrive.
Excess EMF smog radiation and magnesium deficiency
Electromagnetic radiation dislocates magnesium ions and affects living cells. Read this massive study on electromagnetic radiation: Searching for the Perfect Wave: The Effect of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields on Cells[14]. The more radiation you get, the more magnesium you lose. So what?
Well, if you don’t have magnesium and copper, what do you think will gather within you? Iron. And the more iron you have, the more electromagnetic radiation you will absorb. Simple.
Another very simple factor that causes a lot of oxidative stress is the lack of bioavailable ionic magnesium. We already know that, in one way or the another, we are magnesium-deficient. Magnesium and vitamin B6 have become a kind of aspirin that everyone takes. But few people know that magnesium is not properly absorbed if it is in its mineral form. We need a lot of magnesium in colloidal form to minimize the effects of radiation on our cells.
Here are some examples of studies that highlight the effect of 900 MHz mobile phone radiation on living cells. They are already very old. Be aware, we are talking about a much lower frequency band than what we have now:
- Effect of 900 MHz radiofrequency radiation on oxidative stress in rat brain and serum[15]
- Spatial learning, monoamines and oxidative stress in rats exposed to 900MHz electromagnetic field in combination with iron overload[16]
My personal conclusions related to Corona virus and EMF Smog
- The excess of electromagnetism and blue light diminish our immunity by overwhelming the body so much that it has no resources left to keep up with immune requirements. The mechanisms of regeneration are simply replaced with the task of eliminating oxidative stress.
- From here on, it does not matter what disease you come across, it can be just a simple flu. Your body does not have the energetic resources to deal with it. That’s about it.
- Does the 5G system affect us? I say it affects us and there is a lot of evidence supporting this. If you read the European Community material on 5G technology 5G[17] , and you notice that in Italy the frequency band used for 5G technology is 26 GHz instead of 3.6-3.7 GHz as it is in Romania, or in other countries, you may start to see a connection between lower immunity and the higher number of coronavirus infections out there. Is this a proven fact? No. But I can’t help to raise some questions. In the end, we are just at the beginning in understanding how this exposure to EMF radiation affects us. We certainly know that it warms our tissues, and this causes inflammation, which again means oxidative stress. We get to the same point.
- The excess blue light is associated with gadgets and technology that, in also emits high-frequency non-natural electromagnetic fields, which displace magnesium ions and affect cells in ways that we are only now beginning to understand.
- Blue light and electromagnetic smog is an interesting combination delivered through a device we all have. THE MOBILE PHONE.
- I don’t find the phone to be bad, but its overuse is harmful. As usual, excess is harmful.
- Do we need technology to evolve? YES
- Do we need to rethink all the technology so that it doesn’t affect us anymore? YES.
- Are we stupid enough to expose ourselves so unconsciously to this electromagnetic soup and the excess blue light, believing it does not affect us? YES.
- Are there compromise solutions? YES
- We have recently launched a device that will reconcile both the goat and cabbage. I.O.Shield[18]. It’s in the pre-launch phase. In April 2020, the official website will be available:
- What does this device do? It protects life and deflects electromagnetic radiation so it does not impact living cells. In this way we can use technology, but we also protect the life within our cells.
- How does this device do this? It’s complicated. Don’t beat your head up. I have already done it for 12 years. There are explanations for the curious ones, but here is not the place for that. I don’t know how my iPhone works, but I enjoy using it.
- Is this the only solution on the market? NO. Of course not. It is just a very elegant and technologically advanced (Quantum) option. I keep saying it: We should reinvent technology from scratch, not add another device that protects us from excess electromagnetic radiation. Compromise solutions should be used short term. Maybe it’s time to break the pattern of this habit of breaking down everything just to have something to repair later.
Useful options
- We need to limit our children’s exposure to technology to not more than a few hours a day. If you are exposed to more, get your goggles, blue-block filters, electromagnetic protection devices etc.
- Expose your skin to the sun. We need the vitamin D produced by the skin and the Omega 3 oil – DHA
- We need hydration. Many people are dehydrated. Below 55% degree of hydration, all mechanisms of immune protection are compromised.
- We need a lot of vitamin C
- We need bioavailable magnesium, copper, calcium, NOT MINERAL. It is found in raw green leaves, vegetables, fruits.
- We need to remove excess iron from us. Fast. There are protocols that make it slow, but there are quick methods. I can teach you how to do it. Yes. That’s what I have learned and experienced for so long.
- As for rust removal, you can “empty the dirt pool” with the cup or with the spoon. It depends on what you choose to do. Anyway, do it. Don’t know how? Contact me. We have technology and I can work with you from distance. That’s why we have phones. It is important that the information reaches you.
- Do high-frequency substances act as protective factors or anti-oxidative methods? Yes. Especially the essential oils. They have been used for thousands of years in diseases and pandemics treatments. Don’t know how to use them? Contact me. There are solutions if you are open to them.
Maybe now we are forced to stay at home and reflect on what we have done so far and how we plan to move on.
Clearly, something is not working properly. Here is where this has brought us.
Are you well locked up inside your house and living in panic? I am sure you’re not, but we need to admit that we have f**ked it up it and we need to rewrite this system.
Not by isolation, but by communication. We need
communication, but not in excess and in a more efficient and responsible way.
[1]National Institute of Health – Coronavirus (COVID-19) –
[2] The Life Cycles of Stars –
[3] The periodic table of elements –
[4] The Role of Ceruloplasmin in Iron Metabolism –
[5] Iron homeostasis and eye disease:
[6] Blue light: It’s both bad and good for you –
[7] Harvard Medical School – Blue light has a dark side –
[8] True Dark –
[10]Jack Kruse –
[11]Everything You Must Know About 5G & Blue Light With Dr Jack Kruse (HIGHLIGHTS) –
[12] Dr. Jack Kruse: EMFs, Biohacking Water, DHA & Blue Light –
[13] Culprit hidden in plain sight in Alzheimer disease development –
[14] Searching for the Perfect Wave: The Effect of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields on Cells –
[15]Effect of 900 MHz radiofrequency radiation on oxidative stress in rat brain and serum –
[16] Spatial learning, monoamines and oxidative stress in rats exposed to 900MHz electromagnetic field in combination with iron overload –
[17] 5G Observatory Quarterly Report 5 Up to September 2019 –
[18] I.O.Shield.
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