Until we get to Infopathy, Anton Fedorenko and how modern science and medicine, can use sound and waves for healing, I will invite you to step into the magic world of information and endless possibilities.
10 years ago, I read some articles about a controversial French doctor named Jacques Benveniste[1]. I was so impressed and followed the “rabbit hole”. The story of this man and the ordeals he’s been through is almost unimaginable. Look him up and find the genius that he was[2]. See here one source: https://www.slideshare.net/faantoha/jacques-benveniste.
Because of his discoveries he was so bullied by the pharma and eventually he took his own life. Fortunately, the studies were taking over by no other than Luc Montagnier, the famous doctor that received a Nobel prize for discovering AIDS and the deep mechanism of corona type viruses. You can read more about him and his research on this fine article[3] and understand the properties of the water[4].
Also, you can view a full documentary about Luc’s Montagnier work on YouTube[5], and read about water, waves and DNA in his paper[6]
Do not think for a minute that this is new, or S.F. ideas. Water and chi (Life force) have been studied for millennials in many cultures. My friend and Tai Chi Master Teodor Ardeleanu, explains here about: Tai Chi, Placebo and the Magic of Water.
Fast forward to our days we have a new big brain – Anton Fedorenko and his team/company that put all that in practice and developed not only the devices and the technology to sample the different substance or components into a wave/pemf/sound program (IC), but also an online web platform that we can use directly from our laptops or smart phones. See more of Publication and Media[7].
All you need is one of the 3 devices that Infopathy is currently selling and the access to ta platform. Money wise versus benefits = peanuts (penny on the dollar).
The notion of downloading drugs from the Internet may seem like something out of a Sci-Fi movie, but actually, with all the advances in technology, it’s possible to do this now. Infopathy is an online platform of signals generated using algorithms or recorded from substances that have healing, therapeutic, or other biological effects[8]. These signals, which can be considered as digital drugs, are called ICs. ICs are not new – they have been used for over 25 years by Energy and Informational Medicine practitioners to help their clients.
Normally, practitioners would imprint the signals to tinctures containing water and then give them to their patients. With the development of Infopathy, these signals are now available anytime, anywhere using a smartphone or personal computer and an IC Transfer device. On Infopathy, there are three different types of ICs offered:
- Imprint,
- Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF), and
- Audible
as well as three different IC Transfer devices:
- Circuit IC Pad,
- Glowing IC Pad, and
- IC Hummer.
ICs can be transferred in as little as two minutes, depending on the IC Transfer Device and application. With respect to how ICs work in the body, further studies are needed to fully understand the mechanism at play; however, it is believed that ICs react with receptors in the body similar to an electronic key-lock model.
Several findings have been published supporting the transfer of electromagnetic information into water for therapeutic purposes such as in the managing of joint and back pain, chronic kidney disease, psoriasis, depression, and stress. In an age where people increasingly turn to holistic healing methods, Infopathy (and ICs) provide an effective, non-invasive, non-toxic addition to anyone’s therapeutic toolkit.
So, how this works?
First you need to read in order to understand something that in 10 years will be common knowledge. I often present things from the future or things that are about to be present in our future life. Call it intuition and I invite you to read about it on my article. Yet, another piece of info and 10 minutes of your life. Trust me. Is worth it. After all is about our body, our DNA and our planet Gaia.
Is like crypto. Only few understand what is it, but in few years we all will be using.
Or even better – this is how I found Anton Fedorenko – Listen to the podcast with Ben Greenfield – How To Turn A Glass Of Water Into A Pharmaceutical, Supplement, Remedy & “Information Carrier” Using The Science Of Infopathy[9]. So many details and so clear.
So much easier.
Subscribe and test the technology
Then go to the Infopathy and join the platform. There are few free programs but the real stuff that will blow your mind is 10USD/month. Trust me or not, it is worth it.
Then buy your preferable device. I bought them all. Each one has pro and cons but are great.
You can use my code for invitations and 10% discount at products:
BRALGEI10 or Share link with discount: https://www.infopathy.com/?invite=14986467
(10% discount on all IC Transfer Devices. Limit 10 pcs of each transfer device type in one purchase.
Expire: August 28, 2022
Coupon can be applied at “Order summary” section on “Review you order” page).
Play with IC’s PEMF and AUDIO
There are over 1500 programs that you can use/stack/combine and so on. I feel like a kind in the cookie house. Try to see my big smile on my face.
Now let’t dive into the details. I know is a lot to take in and process, but this is the reason I put this part at the end.
Electronic Medicine: Downloading Digital Drugs from the Internet
Forty years ago, electronic mail (i.e., E-mail) was invented. Prior to e-mail, people would commonly send simple messages to one another via postal mail. Messages sent through the post would take days or even months to be delivered compared to e-mail, which only takes a few seconds. With technological breakthroughs, more and more physical items are being offered in an electronic format such as e-books, e-money, e-keys/locks, etc. to make our daily lives more convenient.
In a world where gradually everything is becoming digitized, one cannot help but wonder, is it possible to create electronic drugs to replace or partially replace physical drugs? Is there a way to design an electronic drug (i.e., E-drug) that would carry information to the body and, in return, have similar effects on the body as the physical substance itself? The answer to these questions is yes!
There is a well-known model of how a drug interacts with its target receptor, but is there a mechanism for the body to recognize and use electronic information?
Generally, when a drug interacts with its target receptor in the body, it either blocks or stimulates certain biochemical reactions. This specific interaction can be explained using the “key-lock” model, a mechanism proposed by Emil Fischer in 1894 [Fischer E. Einfluss der Configuration auf die Wirkung der Enzyme Ber. Dt. Chem. Ges. 1894, 27, 2985-2993.].
According to this model, a molecule, such as a drug in this case, and its target receptor should have specific complementary geometric shapes that fit exactly into one another to activate/block a reaction – comparable to how a key perfectly fits a lock to open/close it (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Graphical representation of the traditional “key-lock” model.
Now, let us think about this concept from a digital viewpoint. Many of us use electronic key-lock interactions in our daily lives – from opening car doors to paying for groceries. In this case, it does not matter what the shape of the key is, but more importantly, what electromagnetic signal is emitted and whether it is received, recognized, and accepted by the lock (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Graphical representation of the electronic “key-lock” model.
Similarly, it has been shown that molecules may also interact with cell receptors in the body according to the electronic key-lock principle. Biophysicist, Luca Turin, known for the vibrational theory of olfaction convincingly demonstrated that we “smell vibrations” [Turin L. A spectroscopic mechanism for primary olfactory reception Chem. Senses 2006, 21, 773-791.].
In one of his experiments, he looked at two different molecules that were very similar in shape but had different electromagnetic spectra and observed that these molecules had two different scents – one substance smelled like fresh-cut grass, while the other smelled like rotten eggs (Figure 3).
In another study, Luca Turin looked at two different molecules with different shapes but similar electromagnetic spectra and found that the two substances had similar scents (Figure 3). These results illustrated that receptors found in the nose (i.e., olfactory receptors) are like tiny spectrometers – they are able to probe the vibrational spectrum of molecules and then send corresponding signals to the brain (TEDx Presentation on YouTube).
Figure 3. Summary of results from Luca Turin’s experiments illustrating that we “smell vibrations”.
Therefore, there is a mechanism for the body to recognize and use electronic information. According to the electronic key-lock model, if a receptor comes into contact with electronic information recorded from a drug, then the effect on the receptor would be like the effect from the drug itself.
How are digital drugs created?
Every substance has a unique electromagnetic spectrum, which can be captured and recorded. In essence, a substance is placed in an electromagnetic coil that works as an antenna, and the signal coming from the substance will be amplified and recorded (Figure 4). These recorded signals, or digital drugs, can then be directly applied to the body, or the signal can be imprinted to water (as is usually the case in the practice of Energy and Informational Medicine) to cause a therapeutic effect.
Figure 4. Schematic representation showing how digital drugs are created.
How can water be imprinted with digital drugs?
To understand how water can be imprinted with digital drugs, we first need to visit the quantum electrodynamics (QED) theory of coherent domains in water, which was first proposed by Italian theoretical physicists Giuliano Preparata, Emilio Del Giudice, and Giuseppe Vitiello in 1988 [Del Giudice, E.; Preparata, G.; Vitiello, G. Water as a free electric dipole laser Phys. Rev. Lett. 1988, 61, 1085-1088.].
This theory basically states that if we have two H2O molecules that oscillate at about the same frequency and is surrounded by an electromagnetic field with similar frequency, then there will be an attractive force between the two water molecules (Figure 5). In this way, water molecules can form coherent domains under the influence of an electromagnetic field and all the molecules in the same coherent domain oscillate at the same frequency (Figure 5). Interesting fact: coherent domains can consist of several million water molecules and under certain conditions, this new state may be maintained for hours, weeks, or even years.
Figure 5. Schematic representation showing how water is organized into coherent domains.
Accordingly, when water is exposed to the electromagnetic signal of a substance or drug (i.e., a digital drug), water is organized into coherent domains that mimic the electromagnetic spectrum of the substance (Figure 6). When a person drinks this imprinted water, the water delivers the information to the cell causing similar effects on the cell receptors as the substance itself, because, as described above, the receptor’s reaction depends on the spectrum of the substance and not its shape.
Figure 6. Schematic representation illustrating how recorded signals are imprinted to water.
Are there any scientific studies that look at water imprinted with electromagnetic signals recorded from a physical substance (such asdigital drugs)?
There are several studies published that look at electromagnetic information transfer using water as the carrier medium. Two studies will be discussed below; however, if interested, more can be found here.
Scientists from around the world, including French virologist and Nobel Laureate Dr. Luc Montagnier, have investigated electromagnetic imprinted solutions. With respect to Dr. Luc Montagnier, he and his research team studied electromagnetic signals from serially diluted DNA solutions. For this study, DNA of pathogenic bacteria was diluted in water and then the electromagnetic signal was recorded.
Next, the signal was imprinted to a tube of pure water, all the components necessary for DNA synthesis (e.g., nucleotides, primers, DNA-polymerase, buffer) were added, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed. Following PCR, it was observed that 98-100% of the DNA fragments were identical to those which were used as the source of the signal. These findings indicated that the imprinted water provided the DNA template needed to replicate the original DNA molecule.
There is great documentary available on YouTube called “Water Memory”, which has over 1 million views and looks at the works of Dr. Luc Montagnier as well as another French scientist, Dr. Jacques Benveniste, who is known for digitizing electromagnetic signals from medicines (Figure 7).
Figure 7. Images from the documentary “Water Memory”.
Another researcher, Dr. Peter Endler, was also interested in the ability of water to store and transfer information. He and his team compared the effects of thyroxine, the main hormone produced by the thyroid gland, to digital thyroxine on tadpoles. The studies illustrated that both the thyroxine itself and the electromagnetic signal recorded from thyroxine had similar effects on tadpoles (Figure 8).
Thyroxine in concentrations above 10-8 M stimulated and accelerated larvae to tadpole metamorphosis, while dilutions in the range of 10-11 to 10-30 M, inhibited morphogenesis. Likewise, for digital thyroxine, results indicated that when a 10-8 M thyroxine solution signal was imprinted to water, such water accelerated metamorphosis while, water imprinted with signal from thyroxine solution in the concentration of 10-11 M to 10-30 prevented morphogenesis.
Figure 8. Schematic representation of Dr. Peter Endler’s experimental protocol for studying water imprinted with thyroxine.
What is the current status of digital drugs?
For many years, energy, bio-resonance, naturopathic and other practitioners have been using devices that store thousands of signals recorded from different therapeutic substances (Figure 9). Traditionally, practitioners imprint the signals to tinctures containing water (Figure 9) and give them to their patients.
Figure 9. Image of device that practitioners use, which stores signals from therapeutic substances. Practitioners imprint these signals to water and give them to their patients.
With the advancement of Internet Technologies, these signals are now available anytime on Infopathy (Figure 10). Infopathy is an online platform of signals generated using algorithms or recorded from substances that have healing, therapeutic, or other biological effects. These signals, which can be considered as digital drugs, are called ICs.
Figure 10. Infopathy Platform available on your personal computer or smartphone.
There are three different types of ICs found on Infopathy – Imprint, Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF), and Audible – and they have different application methods.
- Imprint ICs, which are recorded from substances, can be transferred to water using an IC Transfer device and then consumed.
- PEMF ICs are made from algorithms and are applied directly to the body using an IC Transfer device.
- Audible ICs are generated using algorithms, binaural beats, etc. and are listened to or applied to the body using headphones, speakers, or an IC Transfer device.
Learn more about the different types of ICs and application methods here.
What IC Transfer devices are available and how to use them?
IC Transfer devices can be used to transfer ICs to water or directly to the body. Currently there are three IC Transfer devices available on Infopathy – Circuit IC Pad, Glowing IC Pad, and IC Hummer (Figure 11 and Figure 12). Please note, none of the transfer devices store ICs, therefore, to access ICs, you must be connected to the Infopathy Website.
Figure 11. Comparison of the three IC Transfer devices available on Infopathy. See a more detailed comparison here.
Below is a brief description of the three IC transfer devices:
- Circuit IC Pad – the simplest transfer device available. It can be used for both Imprint and PEMF ICs. The Circuit IC Pad connects to your smartphone/laptop via an audio cable and converts low frequency electrical signals into electromagnetic waves. This device does not require a battery to operate.
- Glowing IC Pad – rapidly transfers both Imprint and PEMF ICs. The Glowing IC Pad contains herbs, which are a good source of antioxidants, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Folate, Potassium – the ICs of which are also transferred. This device connects to your smartphone/laptop with an audio cable; however, in contrast to the Circuit IC Pad, the Glowing IC Pad amplifies the signal and modulates blue light that accelerates the imprinting process.
- IC Hummer – a wireless, wearable, transfer device that can be used for Imprint, PEMF, and Audible ICs. It emits both electromagnetic and acoustic (sound) waves and makes any surface it is in contact with vibrate at a specific frequency (depending on the selected IC). The IC Hummer contains a rechargeable battery and is easy to use – just connect it to your computer/smartphone via Bluetooth and start the transfer.
- The IC Hummer comes with three different elastic band sizes (small, medium, and large) that can be attached to a bottle of water, a tincture, to any part of the body, or even your pillow. For a stronger effect, you can simultaneously connect two IC Hummers to the same laptop/smartphone and then attach them to the body to target a larger area or two different areas.
Figure 12. Using IC Transfer devices to imprint water or to directly apply ICs to the body.
Learn more about imprinting ICs to water or applying ICs directly to the body using IC Transfer devices here.
Hundreds of ICs are available now on Infopathy (with more being added regularly). Enjoy those available for free or get unlimited transfers with a Premium Membership. Check out popular picks if you’re wondering what to try first.
Below are some Frequently Asked Questions related to ICs and their use:
1. Should I substitute my medication with ICs?
No. If you currently use any medication, do not replace them with ICs. ICs should be used to complement your treatment. If or when you will need to change anything regarding your medication, contact the practitioner who prescribed the medication to you and they will make the necessary adjustments.
2. How much IC water should I drink? Is there a dose-effect relationship?
It does not matter whether you drink 250 mL of IC water or 1 L – one glass of IC water contains the same amount of information as two glasses of water with the same IC. What is important is to drink IC water 2-3 times per day. This is because we need to periodically supply and influence the body with ICs in order to cause an informational effect on the body.
3. Are there any side effects from using ICs?
There have been no reports of negative effects from ICs. If an IC is not right for you, it will not resonate with your body and thus will not affect you. Some people may notice mild body pain during the first few days of using ICs, which is normal and practitioners interpret this as the start of the body’s healing process using the newly acquired information. If you have any concerns, please contact your practitioner.
4. How often is it recommended to take ICs to see results?
In general, it is recommended to drink IC water 2-3 times per day. This is because we need to periodically supply and influence the body with ICs to cause an informational effect on the body. With respect to seeing results, that depends, given it is different for everyone – some may see results within a day, while others need more time. Moreover, it depends on the health condition, whether it is chronic or acute.
5. What kind of water should I use to transfer ICs?
You should use good quality drinking water containing minerals as these minerals help transfer information.
More questions and answers can be found here.
[1] 30th Anniversary of “Water Memory” – https://www.infopathy.com/en/posts/30th-anniversary-of-water-memory
[2] Jackues Benveniste – a true genius – https://www.slideshare.net/faantoha/jacques-benveniste
[3] Luc Mongtanier – https://www.hexagonalwater.com/luc_montagnier.html
[4] Properties of the water – https://www.hexagonalwater.com/videos.html
[5] Luc’s Mongtanier work on water video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8VyUsVOic0
[6] DNA waves and water – Luc Montagnier et al. – https://www.academia.edu/35488999/DNA_waves_and_water_Luc_Montagnier_et_al
[7] Publications – https://www.infopathy.com/en/publications
[8] Electronic Medicine: Downloading Digital Drugs from the Internet – www.infopathy.com
[9] How To Turn A Glass Of Water Into A Pharmaceutical, Supplement, Remedy & “Information Carrier” Using The Science Of Infopathy – Ben Greenfield podcast – https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/podcast/biohacking-podcasts/infoceuticals/