“Master the mind and emotions – reclaim your heart”
Master Training – Mastering Mind and Emotions is an elite program for advanced seekers and students. This program is a personal training program with me, for the sole purpose of finding your inner compass in order to navigate this reality/realm/matrix. It consists in 18 hours (within a month of training) of decoding personal programing and basic guidance in the realm of mind and emotions. I will give you a metaphor. Is like Navy Seals training program. Really, is not for the beginners. I have the intention to bring the seekers to the next level of consciousness.
What is consciousness? It means shared knowledge. Con (from Latin means together and science meaning knowledge; “to know together”).
I intent to share with you the knowledge that you need to navigate through the programing of the mind and emotion. This is like a map with tips and tricks that you will be able to spot from a mile, in order to avoid traps and unnecessary energy loss. Remember, is all about the energy. Always follow the energy and you will find the truth.
Simple is not easy
I said and I repeat, this is simple, but simple does not mean easy. What I will give you is elegance and simplicity, but this will break havoc in the mind. It will turn everything upside down and inside out.
Sorry, there is no other way since the human design is corrupted.
Do you think there is something wrong with your body? Nope. There is something wrong with your programing. That is all, and the problem is that the mind and emotions represent 80% of the equation. The body is merely 20% and you can optimize this via nutrition and biohacking.
So, if you want to see where is “The magic” …keep reading?
What is this Master Training all about?
Read these simple conclusions that I mastered over many, many, many years. Read them and read them again. If you agree or disagree, I could not care less. Important is that you master your life, and since you CAN NOT master your mind and emotions, you actually DO NOT HAVE ANY KIND OF CONTROL OVER YOUR LIFE. QED.
- ALL MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL PROGRAMS ARE CORRUPTED. ALL of them. (If you think that you “got it”, you are in deep sheet my friend. All programs are in constant update, and the system is exquisitely good in hiding the updates; This is done almost every day). I have been working on this developing Decode Project.
- Programs are constructed in layers. You need to decode and see at least 2 levels before you get to the truth. This is the reality. It is all smoke and mirrors.
- People adore LIES. They DO NOT WANT THE TRUTH. They lie to themselves and they lie to others. We are living in a lie. Let’s face it. We love it (or at least most of the people).
- People are SLOW and very LAZY. They lack discipline and speed.
- People DO NOT HAVE ENERGY. They produce energy.
- People DO NOT HAVE TIME (this is the most important resource). If you do not understand this, please DO NOT email me.
- People DO NOT want to learn. (They think they know stuff. They know the junk. They like to learn what is convenient and easy).
- People like the comfort zone, and the comfort zone likes them. Funny, isn’t it?
- People DO NOT want to evolve.
- People DO NOT want to be free (In honesty, who knows what freedom really is? Really!)
- People ARE SLAVES. (Slaves of their own mind and emotion; Do not blame the System. Nobody forced you to learn and accept garbage).
- People ARE VIOLENT. Physically, Mentally, Emotionally. They lack power, they lack force. People do not know the difference between violence and force or power. It is all about sides (If you are not with me, you are against me). All is polarized.
- People think they are different. NO. WE ARE UNIQUE. There is a BIG difference.
- You think you have anything? NO. We HAVE NOTHING. And this is true power.
These are only a part of the programs that you need to unlock and master. If you are interested, look me up.
After the latest workshops (Theory vs Practice – Basic hard core training regarding mental and emotional programs in 2022) I realized that the situation is even more complicated than I imagined. So I decided to go back one to one (peer-to-peer).
This is for Spartans. This time you will “play with me in the dirt”, you will “fight with me” you will “hunt with me”, you will do whatever I do, or you will go home. This is a selection program.
Are you troubled and concerned about these conclusions? In this case, you may have a chance.
Are you outraged by these conclusions and you feel that I am full of bullshit. Please DO NOT email me and go on with your life. Ignorance is bliss in the matrix.
My door is open for everyone willing to face the truth. And the truth is: THERE IS NO TRUTH. THERE IS ONLY PERCEPTION.
Training content and time schedule
The training has a period of 18 hours of personal meetings with me.
- 1 hour for establishing the main problems and targets (this is unique for each one of you).
- 16 hours of hard work divided in 4 weeks. Each week you have 4 hours of training. I prefer sessions of 2 hours x 2 times per week (Of course if you think you are strong enough, we can do it 4 hours in a continuous session). I am a little flexible here since each one has an agenda.
- 1 hour for closing up the training and conclusions/homework, etc.
What we do, where we go and how we do it, will be a surprise for each one. Fail to follow me and the steps, you will be sent home. Like in the Navy Seals program.
The adaptability quotient A.Q. (coefficient) is the main target of this training. Today, this is the main factor for elite hiring skills. But in order to have that you need to master IQ (Intelligence quotient) and EQ (Emotion quotient).
Training steps
- Registration. See Bellow.
- Validation and payment for the training. See below.
- Setting up the dates and hours for appointments. Training can be live or online (but I prefer live; trust me, I know what it means; Please make an effort if you can).
- Training and lessons – THE WORKS. Learning the FLOW.
- Final session and conclusions.
The whitelist – How to register for this training?
- The first step is to send me your intent and to fill up basic registration form to my private e-mail:
- Once this step is completed you will be automatically whitelisted in this training (this step does not grant access to the program, but it is a pre-requisite step). I will decide if you can move on into this program.
- If you qualify to Master Training you will be informed by e-mail about the details and available periods.
- The training will be personal and thus my time is of the matter as well as yours.
- The selection procedure will be: First comes, first evaluated, first served. This will also be validated by the subscription fee when confirmed. Your seat “at the table”, based on the whitelist, will be confirmed by your subscription fee. If your subscription is pending or delayed for various reasons, you will be pushed down on the whitelist.
Registration form questions
NAME: ______________________________
AGE: ____
Email: _______________________________
Phone: _____________________
Data will not be used for any purpose, personal or commercial. The purpose for this form is to establish the parameters of the training.
- Please list your main targets for this training (name 3)
- ____________________________________
- ____________________________________
- ____________________________________
- Please list the main setbacks in your life (name 3)
- ____________________________________
- ____________________________________
- ____________________________________
- Please list what you expect from this training:
Price, payment, transfer and confirmation
Price for this training is 4500 Euro. ( over 24 hours of elite, one to one personal training)
Once you sign up for this training You will have 5 days available to transfer the amount.
Fail to transfer, your seat will be distributed down on the whitelist.
Payments can be received in:
- Cash/Card if you are in Bucharest (VAT will be added)
- Bank transfer and Revolut (VAT will be added)
- Crypto: Lobstr Wallet (XLM/XRP), Metamask, Binance, Kucoin, Bitrue, Okex, Gate, Lobster,
- Payments in crypto will not have added VAT
Details will be sent according to the payment method.
If you agree with all conditions presented on this page, please mail to me to confirm your spot. Once dates are established you will have to pay your fee within the next 5 days.
Once the transfer is complete, your spot is assured.
For details and subscriptions please contact me via email.
Nutrition and Biohacking – Copyright Bralgei Shackry aka Gabriel Peșa – 2023
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